About Me

The man behind ManWrites.com

Hello, I'm David - the man behind ManWrites.com

I have been teaching English in various parts of Asia for just over 24 years. This job has introduced me to all kinds of students, young and old, from all walks of life.

I have taught English to students who wish to study abroad and further their studies, to professionals who need better English for the workplace and to many younger students in middle school and high school.

During this time, I have found many things that work really well in the classroom – and things that don’t.

Now I want to transfer all this experience into crafting articles, guides and lesson plans to empower English learners to improve their English skills.

At ManWrites, you will find a treasure trove of articles and guides tailored to enhance all of your English skills.

Over the years, I have also written and created many of my own lesson plans. I have now put these all into collections and I offer them to you.

I have designed two main series for you:

Talking Points

Full and engaging lesson plans that focus on reading, speaking, and building vocabulary.

Fantastic Tales

Immersive lessons woven around captivating short stories that I’ve penned myself. Again, perfect for reading, speaking, and building vocabulary.

I’m a huge fan of reading. And I strongly encourage students to do the same!

So give my lesson plans a try and see how they work for you…

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When I’m not busy writing, you’ll find me engrossed in novels, or better yet, taking a leisurely walk through my neighbourhood as the sun rises—a perfect way to kickstart the day.

I am also known to swing a kettlebell around at times.

I love connecting with my readers, so please drop me a line if you enjoyed reading my articles or found my lesson plans helpful.

My goal is to create a valuable resource for you on this site.

Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Keep learning, and never give up!

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