10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE

10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE (1)

If you are preparing for the IELTS test, then you know how much money can be involved in the process.

Private classes with a tutor.

IELTS prep classes in an expensive training centre.

Online courses to help you prepare for the IELTS test.

And then there are books, paid online groups, and all manner of other things.

It costs a lot of money!

(Pro tip: If you are going to spend any money at all, spend it on a private tutor!)

In this guide, I would like to show you TEN ways that you can prepare for the IELTS test for FREE.

Yes, it involves some work. But you have to do the work anyway.

Let me show you TEN METHODS you can start using immediately.

No need to throw money away.

These things are completely FREE to use.

Let’s dive right in…

10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE (2)

Watch YouTube Videos

YouTube is a great place to start.

YouTube has literally THOUSANDS of videos to help you in every aspect of the IELTS test — and for improving your General English too.

Some channels deal specifically with the IELTS test.

And all the various parts of the IELTS test itself – speaking, writing, listening and writing.

Then there are many channels that only deal with IELTS preparation.


YouTube Channels To Watch


Some of the best channels that can help you are:





Fastrack IELTS


They cover all the main parts of the test and can help you with listening, speaking, writing, reading and vocabulary.

These channels also have playlists that cover all the specific sections of the IELTS test.

Check these links:

IELTS Speaking

IELTS Listening

IELTS Reading

IELTS Writing


Take Notes And Practice


As you watch the videos, take notes in your notebook.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of the tips and strategies that the channels cover.

Then apply them in your own time in your own IELTS practice groups (more on this later) or in your own Self-Study practice time.


IELTS Live Test Videos


There are also many videos of real live IELTS tests.

(Not exactly a real test, but near enough!)

IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking again

IELTS Speaking and again


Watch these videos to get an idea of what takes place in the speaking test what you should do and the kind of things to say.

When watching these videos you could try the Shadowing technique. (More on this very useful method later!)


Also, take notes here of what the test candidates did right or wrong.

All very helpful to you!

Read Reddit IELTS Posts

Reddit is a huge resource for IELTS information and advice.

Reddit has groups — called subreddits on Reddit — that deal specifically with IELTS and learning English in general.


I highly recommend diving into these subreddits and having a read. You will find lots of valuable information about ALL parts of the IELTS test.


Subreddits I Recommend


There is a subreddit for IELTS called r/IELTS.

You can find it at the link below.



Anyone can join Reddit, and anyone can join this subreddit, which means you can join too.

If you have any questions to ask the experts, this is the place to go.

Ask your question related to IELTS and then wait for IELTS examiners, IELTS teachers and people who have taken the IELTS test to answer.

If you are lucky, you might receive a few answers.

This is all very useful advice and is totally free of charge. It’s like having a team of personal tutors ready to answer your IELTS questions!


Engagement Is Key


You should try to engage in the discussions on Reddit.

This way, you will have endless resources to help you with the IELTS test.

You could also read other people’s posts or questions on Reddit.

There are hundreds to read!

IELTS Band 8 Tips

My Prep Strategy Worked!

What are the best ways/tips?


The good thing about this kind of advice is that most of it doesn’t go out of date.

There might be some changes to the test structure or some other things about the test.

But in terms of what to talk about, and what to write about, these things stay true for a long time.


Dive into Reddit today!

I guarantee it will help you.

Find Articles Published Online

And there are also hundreds of articles online about the IELTS test and what to do.

Again, all of these articles are FREE for you to read. So why not take advantage of it?


IELTS Sites and Links I Recommend


Check out the following sites for IELTS:



British Council


I also found this great list of other IELTS websites:

IELTS Websites for Self-Study


Check Out My Articles On The IELTS Test Too!


I might as well tell you about some of the articles I have published about various things in the IELTS test, so check the links below.

ManWrites IELTS Articles


Search online and I am certain you will find all the help you need when studying for the IELTS test.

10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE (5)

Improve Your General English

It is not enough to just study things specifically about the IELTS test.

Yes, this can help you, but you need to make sure your overall General English is up to speed.


Don’t just look at videos and articles about doing the IELTS test.

Trust me, if your General English is at a decent level, then you have a much better chance of getting a good band score on the IELTS test.


And you can improve your General English easily for FREE online.

Lots and lots of things for you to use.

I think there are two main things you can improve here. And that is reading and listening.

Let’s take a look…




The internet is full of articles and short stories that you can read for free.

Make reading a daily habit and this will really help with your overall General English.

By reading, you can widen your range of English vocabulary and this will help you with the test.

If you can use different English words to talk about things, or you can show the examiner that you have a wide range of vocabulary, this will go down very well.

All of this will help you.


Sites and Links I Recommend to Improve Reading


Check out these fantastic links below to help you with your English reading skills:

Breaking News English

Easy English News


VOA News



No need to read for a long time.

Start slowly and then build your time up gradually.


And My Lesson Plans Too!


Check my article below to find out more about building your English reading skills.

Talking Points




And the internet has many options for you to choose from for listening too.

YouTube is a great place to go for listening practice videos.

But also many podcasts online too.

No end of choice for you.


Podcasts I Recommend


Check these podcasts below:


Podcasts in English

Teacher Luke

Leonardo English

VOA News

Tons and tons of podcasts for you to listen to and practice!


But there are many other podcasts too. Podcasts for every interest.

Also, check out my guides on how to improve your listening…

ManWrites English Listening

Free IELTS Tests Online

As you would expect, there are many sites that offer free practice tests for IELTS.

If you have a planned date to take the IELTS test, you should think about doing a practice test every week or so.

This is a great way to measure the progress you have made and what parts of your English you need to work on.


Free IELTS Test Links For You


Here are some websites that offer free IELTS tests:


IELTS Online Tests

British Council


Pay attention to timing, as that is a key part of the test.

But of course, pay the most attention to your English and your ability to answer the questions clearly and at length.

Try to identify areas where you need to improve, then work on those points to raise your level.

10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE (7)

Form a Speaking Group With Others and Practice Together

I have said this in other articles on my site…

And I know that this sounds like something you might hear all the time, but it’s something that you really should try to do.

There is a tremendous amount of value to be found in working in a group with other like-minded people all trying to do the IELTS test.


Find A Group


How to find other people?


Social media is your friend for something like this.

Join an English Learning group in your town or area, and ask people there if they would like to meet up to practice the IELTS test.

You can even have mock tests in your group.

Plenty of mock test worksheets here:


British Council

IELTS Prepare


And you can practice all your General Speaking skills together.


Have meetings where you discuss topics about anything and everything.

Many Discussion Topics Here

Try to help each other when you can.

Have reading sessions too.

Use my lesson plans for this!

Talking Points

Fantastic Tales


I know you might think that meeting in a group like this might not be useful, but it is.

It is all practice.

And you need to practice all the time.

10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE (8)

Work On Your Writing

You should try to get into a daily habit of writing.

Write what? I hear you ask.

Well, there are a few things you can do…

You can join a writing group — online or offline.

You can try the free writing tasks found online.

And you can write a daily journal.

Let’s take a look at these things now.


Join An Online Writing Group


This is very simple to do.

Anyone can do this, and it is easy for you to make a start.

Let’s look at some options below.


Social Media


You are probably a member of some social media apps, and this is a good place to start.

Most social media groups have spaces and groups to chat or add comments.

You can add your thoughts and views here.

Write everything in English!

The more you get into a routine of writing daily, the better practice it is for you.

No, it’s not the same as being with your own personal writing tutor.

But it is practice. And you need to do that every day.




Reddit is a social media app.

But there are specific groups — subreddits — where you can write something and ask for feedback.

You can ask questions on Reddit about how to write difficult sentences.

And the people responding are usually native English speakers, many of whom are English teachers.


These are the subreddits you can use:



Try this out for yourself today!


Offline Writing Group


Finding an offline writing group might be more difficult depending on where you live.

If you are in a large town or city, you might be in luck.

In a real-life writing group, you can submit your pieces of writing, and you can get feedback from the other members of the group.

They may not point out all the grammar or spelling mistakes, but they could tell you some other things about your writing that could help you.

Things like coherency, phrasing, and making sense to the reader.


Some of these writing groups are hosted by professional writing professors.

So, if you see one in your town, you must join!

You can find writing groups via social media or sites like MeetUp.


Free IELTS Writing Tasks Online


And as you might expect there are places online where you can do IELTS writing tasks.

These sites outline clearly what is expected in the writing section of the IELTS test, plus they offer free writing tasks for you to do by yourself.

Find them here:

IELTS Test Pro



Again, try to do one of these tests regularly.

It will help you tremendously.


Write A Daily Journal


Another thing you can try is to write a daily journal.

Just the regular habit of writing your thoughts about your life in a journal is great practice for writing.

There are two ways you can write your journal.

  • Pen and Paper
  • On A Journalling App

Now if you write your journal on pen and paper, chances are that it is totally private.

And that is fine.

But if you want to put your writing out there for all the world to see, then maybe use a journalling app.

Write your thoughts about…

  • your life
  • your family
  • your hometown
  • your interests

But also…

  • taking the IELTS test
  • studying English
  • why you are studying English
  • what is difficult about studying English

If you use an app, other people can read your journal and add comments.

This could be very useful for you.


Writing Apps To Use


Here are some journalling apps that I recommend.




You can use all FOUR of these techniques to improve your writing.

All of them should be free, and you can use them for yourself.

10 Ways To Prepare For The IELTS Test That Are Completely FREE (9)

Join a Debating Group

In part three of the speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions where you are expected to give full and complete answers about your opinions and thoughts on a given subject.

This is probably the most difficult and advanced part of the entire speaking test.


So, you need to practice your debating skills. Ideally, talking about controversial subjects.

The best thing to do to improve these skills is to join a debating group.


How to Join a Debating Group


The same with writing groups, there are two kinds — online and in the real world.


Online Debating Groups


I found the following sites that have online debates.

Check below:

Debate Art

Debate Island


Join up and try one out for yourself!

The results for you could be to your advantage.


Real-World Debating Groups


It might be more challenging to find a debating group in your area.

Again, if you live in a big town or a city, then it will be somewhat easier.


In my opinion, this is a much better thing to do.

You are face to face with the people you are debating against and this will give you more confidence.

It is better training for the IELTS speaking test.


So How to Find a Debating Group?


Social media groups and sites like MeetUp are your best bet.

Just do a search for ‘Debating Group’ in your socials and you should find something if you are in a big town or city.

MeetUp Debating Groups


If you are near a university, you might find a debating group there.

Universities often have debating groups as it encourages people to learn public speaking, and it’s a good thing for the student community to get involved in debates about current topics.

So try there as well.


English Corner


You could also attend the local English Corner in your town or city.

If you are really lucky, the English Corner might be hosted by a native English speaker and this will be your opportunity to practice debating and discussing topics in English.

Some English Corner groups charge a fee.

But many are completely free.

So check this out in your area too.

Essentially, you should try to do something like this to practice your debating skills.

This is very important to help you do well in Part Three of the IELTS speaking test.

You need to focus on building strong and structured lines of argument while at the same time having fluency in English while under pressure to speak to the examiner.

And you need to have the ability to express your opinions with politeness and with confidence.


These are the key elements for the IELTS test.

Do the Shadowing Technique

I have spoken about the Shadowing Technique before.

I think this is a great way to practice English speaking.

If you are interested in learning more about this very useful technique, I wrote an article about it which you can find by hitting the link below.


The Shadowing Technique


Quite simply, the Shadowing Technique is where you listen to a recording of someone speaking English and you copy them.

The speaker says a line and you follow them immediately, reciting the same line.

But read my article at the above link to get a full understanding of it.


You can find hundreds of podcasts or people speaking in English on YouTube and all over the internet of course.

This is a great way to help you improve your English speaking and your pronunciation.

But it will also help you with intonation and phrasing.

This is perfect practice for the IELTS speaking test.

Read the News Every Day

Earlier, I talked about how you need to have a daily reading habit.

This is really essential for you when preparing for the IELTS test.

But one thing I think you should pay attention to is to read the news in English.


Many of the IELTS topics are about current affairs or news in the world.

Not only that, but by reading the news, it will give you examples of things to talk about in Part Two and Part Three of the IELTS speaking test.

It can also help you with the writing test.


Choose news articles from reputable sources.

I think the following sites are the most useful for you.


The Guardian


By doing this, you are improving your reading skills, while also expanding on your range of English vocabulary and, if you read out loud, practising English speaking too.

Dive into the news today!

It can really help you get a better score on the IELTS test.

Bonus Tips

I did say I have TEN ways to help you study for the IELTS test for free.

But I want to quickly show you two more things you can use too.

Here they are.


Public Libraries


If you live near a large public library, you might find that they have free resources to study for the IELTS test in the form of preparation books, audiobooks, and video courses.

And if it is in the public library, it should all be totally free.

You might also find that the local university or college library has IELTS resources, too.

They might allow you access to this information for free, too.

Check it out.


Language Apps


There are also language apps that can help you meet native English speakers.

You can practice speaking with a native English speaker.

Some of these apps encourage language exchange, so it is ‘free’ somewhat in that all you have to do is give someone some of your time and expertise in your own language.

Check the apps below.




Two more tips just for you!


I am not saying that studying for the IELTS test is easy in any way.

It does require a lot of work and commitment.


But if you go through all the things I have outlined above, you can find many totally free resources and things to use to help you.

No need to pay for expensive training courses!


Let me add this: If you do have any budget for your IELTS test training, I strongly advise you to spend this on a professional personal tutor.

This is money well spent, in my opinion.


But for all your other self-study exercises and practices, just use the resources I have laid out for you above.


Best of luck to you!


I would love to know if any of these things have worked successfully for you.

If so, please let me know by dropping me a line or adding a comment below.

Many thanks!

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