Teenagers These Days Are Just Crazy! — a Talking Points lesson plan for English reading and speaking

Describe the average teenager in your country.

Tell the class about their lifestyle and habits.

What were you like as a teenager?

Teenagers These Days Are Crazy!

Discuss some of the topics below related to teenagers’ and teenagers’ lives.


  • smoking
  • drinking alcohol
  • sex
  • online porn
  • fighting
  • gangs
  • trouble with authority
  • teenage pregnancy
  • drugs
  • riding motorbikes
  • arguing with parents
  • refusing to do homework
  • trouble at school
  • using social media
  • bullying
  • smartphone addiction
  • inappropriate clothing
  • wearing make-up
  • stealing
  • money issues



Go through all the points above and discuss them in class.


Do teenagers do any of these things in your country?

What about your parents when they were teenagers?

What things will teenagers do in the future? The same as now or different? Why?

Discussion Questions

What are some of the most common challenges that teenagers face today?

How do peer relationships impact the lives of teenagers?

How can parents effectively communicate with their teenagers?

What do you think are some ways to help teenagers cope with stress and anxiety?

Do you think teenagers should have a say in decisions that affect their lives, such as their education or living arrangements? Why or why not?

Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults? (teachers, parents etc)

How do teenagers typically spend their free time in your country?

What types of punishment did your parents use when you were a teenager?

At what age should teenagers leave home?

What would you do if your teenage son or daughter got a tattoo?

Do you think teenagers today have it ‘too easy’?

Do teenagers in your country have problems with drugs or alcohol?

What can be done to reduce teenage drug and alcohol abuse?

What role do social media and technology play in the lives of teenagers, and how does this impact their mental health?

How can schools better support the mental health and well-being of teenagers?

Is teenage suicide a problem?

What is the most important thing a parent can do for a teenager?

At what age should a teenage girl have her first serious boyfriend?

What about boys? Is it the same as for girls or different? Why?

Should teenagers work? Why or why not?

If you could be a teenager again, would you do anything differently?

Do you know any good role models for teenagers?

What do teenagers think about?

Teenager Problems

This is a class discussion activity.


Look at all the problems expressed by teenagers below.

What advice would you give to these teens?



I have way too much homework to do every night. My parents also make me go to extra English and maths classes after school. I feel like I have no free time for myself. How can I tell my parents that I need more time to do the things I want to do?



I have the chance to do some paid work writing games reviews online. I really want to do this as I want to be a writer in the future. But my parents won’t allow me to do it. How can I convince them it is a good idea?



Some of my friends at school have started vaping. The school does not allow it, of course, and if their parents found out, they would have a lot of trouble. But they keep telling me that I am not cool because I don’t vape like them.

I just have no interest in it. What can I do?



I want to buy a skateboard. Two of my friends have skateboards and they go to this skate park in our town. It looks like such fun. I really want to join them. I haven’t asked my parents yet, but I think they will just say no. They will think it is very dangerous.

How can I prove to them that I will be ok on a skateboard?



My little sister drives me crazy. She is always coming into my room and taking things. I try to tell my parents, but they get angry with me and say we must all share our things together. But I have no interest in her things as they are so childish. What can I do?



I want to get my ear pierced. Some of the other boys in my school have pierced ears and the school allows it. But my mum and dad refuse to allow it. I am thinking of just getting my ear pierced without telling them. Do you think this is a good idea?



A boy at my school has asked me to go to the cinema with him. He is really cute and all the girls think he is good-looking. I really want to go on a date with him. But I am certain my parents will not allow it. What should I do?

Role Play

This is a role play activity.



There are two people in the role play.


  • Teenager 1
  • Teenager 2


The Situation


A teenager is one of the people in the previous exercise. You are meeting with your best friend from school, also a teenager, to discuss your problem and try to find a solution.

The other teenager in the role play offers some advice and suggestions to try to help their best friend.


In pairs, choose your roles and choose one of the teen problems from the previous exercise.

Prepare your role play.


Then, when you are ready, show the class!


This is a creative writing exercise.


You are going to write some rap lyrics. The lyrics are for a song with the title:


Ain’t No Life Being A Teen


You can use your own life as inspiration. Or you can use any of the things that you have discussed in the class previously.


Take some time to write your rap lyrics.

Then, read them out loud in front of the class. Ask your classmates for feedback.

You can download the full lesson plan by clicking the link below!

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2 thoughts on “Teenagers These Days Are Just Crazy! — a Talking Points lesson plan for English reading and speaking”

  1. This is a good topic for a conversation class and had small writing activities that can be explored and developed. Topics for conversation or reading classes are very important because the more students can relate to the topic the better the motivation.

    1. Thank you, Leona. That is good to hear. I like to create these kinds of lessons. I just think if I have enough interest in it, then the students are likely to have interest too. Nothing worse than the teacher being bored with the lesson plan!

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