How To Talk About The Living Room In English

How To Talk About The Living Room In English

Do you have to talk about your living room in English?

Maybe as part of the IELTS speaking test… Or as part of your work?

If so, let me show you how to talk about your living room in English.

Read on…


How To Talk About The Living Room In English What is the Living Room


What is the Living Room?

Most family homes have a living room.

This is a room where all the family can be together. Usually, they are watching TV together. Or they could be eating dinner together (many families eat dinner in the living room).

Or it could be a place where all the family can be together and relax, play games, talk about things or sit together quietly.


Where is The Living Room?


In a house, the living room is usually located on the ground floor and at the front of the house.

But in an apartment, the living room is usually at the front, and often the first room you see as you enter the apartment.

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How To Talk About The Living Room In English A Basic Description of The Living Room

A Basic Description of The Living Room


Depending on the house and the size of the house, the living room can be very small or very big.

Most living rooms in an average house in the UK are big enough for all the family to sit together. So about big enough for four or five people to sit comfortably.

The living room is a room for living.

Traditionally, it was the room where all the family were together in the evening.

Nowadays, we have many devices and people may stay in their bedrooms or different rooms of the house. But many years ago, there was just one TV in the living room — and that was where everyone stayed.


How To Talk About The Living Room In English Size of The Living Room

Size of The Living Room


It really depends on the house.

Some living rooms can be very small. Others can be huge.

But most standard living rooms will have enough room for four or five members of the family to sit comfortably together.

There is usually a sofa — and this can seat three people.

Then there could be two armchairs — these can seat two more people.

Not big enough to do activities like dancing or playing badminton.

But big enough for everyone to sit down together.


How To Talk About The Living Room In English The Location of The Living Room

The Location of The Living Room


Like I said before, in a normal house in England, the living room is on the ground floor of the house — and at the front of the house.

The windows usually look out of the front of the house.

But some living rooms are at the back — facing the garden.

If in an apartment, the living room is the first room that you see as you enter through the front door.


How To Talk About The Living Room In English Things We Can See in The Living Room

Things We Can See in The Living Room


Let’s look at the things we can see in the living room.


This is a list of furniture items you can find in most living rooms.



Easy Chair

Coffee Table/Tea Table


Side Tables

Other Items in The Living Room


Stereo/Music System













How To Talk About The Living Room In English Useful Sentences About Things in The Living Room

Useful Sentences About Things in The Living Room


Here are some sentences you can use to talk about furniture in the living room.



I love to stretch out on the sofa and watch TV

All my family can sit on the sofa together comfortably


My dad has his favourite armchair and no one else sits in it

My mum bought this armchair that can recline back. It is very comfortable!

Easy Chair

In our living room, there is one easy chair — it’s very comfortable so there are arguments about who can sit in it!

Coffee Table/Tea Table

We have a wooden coffee table in front of the sofa. It’s where we can put our drinks or some snacks.

I sometimes do my homework on the coffee table in the living room


The bookshelf in our living room is crammed full of books

We keep some encyclopedias and other useful books on the bookshelf

Side Tables

There are two side tables — one on either side of the sofa.

Mum forbids us to put hot drinks on the side tables in case we damage the surface.

And here are some sentences you can use for the other items in the living room.


We have a big flat-screen TV in the living room, but the only person who watches it is my dad.

Stereo/Music System

My parents have a big music system in the living room. But they like to listen to all their old music. I go to my room and listen to music there.


There are many shelves in our living room. Full of books, plants and some ornaments too.


My mum loves to keep plants around the house. We have two big plants in the living room. It makes it feel more comfortable.


We have pictures of the family on the living room walls. Me and my brother as kids and some pictures of my mum and dad too.


There’s a small mirror on one of the living room walls. I don’t think anyone uses it though.


Under the coffee table, we have a large rug. It’s nice in the winter because the floor can get a little cold.


My mum closes the curtains as soon as the sun goes down.


It’s nice to use the fan on hot days in the living room.


We have two lamps in the living room. Both of them are on the side tables on each end of the sofa.

The lamp in the living room provides a much softer kind of light.


There is a ceiling light, but it is very bright so we usually use the lamp.


My mum loves to have flowers in the living room. So she bought this really nice glass vase to put flowers in.


There’s a clock on the shelf in the living room. I don’t know who uses it to tell the time as we all have smartphones.


How To Talk About The Living Room In English Things We Can Do in The Living Room

Things We Can Do in The Living Room


Here are some things that most people do in the living room.

  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Playing board games
  • Relaxing
  • Watching TV
  • Playing computer games
  • Sleeping or napping on the sofa


How To Talk About The Living Room In English Useful Sentences About Things We Can Do in The Living Room

Useful Sentences About Things We Can Do in The Living Room


And here are some useful sentences you can use about things we do in the living room.


We are a family of book readers and we all love to read in the living room.

There’s nothing I like better than reading while lying on the sofa.


Sometimes I do my homework in the living room. But in the evening it is too noisy.

Playing board games

My mum doesn’t always allow us to watch TV so we might have one or two evenings a month where we only play board games.


Our living room is very quiet and faces out to the garden. So it is a relaxing place to spend time.

Watching TV

The living room is the only room with a TV in our house so that’s where we watch TV shows.

Playing computer games

If no one else is around, I like to use the big flat-screen TV for playing computer games in the living room.

Sleeping or napping on the sofa

The living room can be very quiet sometimes. Perfect for sleeping on the sofa or taking a quick nap.



How To Talk About The Living Room In English Now You Try

Now You Try!


Try talking about your living room. Use the following questions to form answers.

  • Describe your living room. What does it look like?
  • What items of furniture do you have in the living room?
  • Do you have a sofa in your living room?
  • What colour is it?
  • What is its style?
  • Is it comfortable?
  • Is there a coffee table/tea table in your living room?
  • What is it made of? What is its style?
  • Describe everything that is on the table.
  • What is it used for?
  • Are there any pictures on the walls of your living room?
  • Describe the pictures.
  • Why do you have these pictures on the wall?
  • What is the story behind these pictures?
  • Do you have a bookshelf in the living room?
  • What kind of books do you have on the bookshelf?
  • Are you a family of readers?
  • Who bought the books?
  • Are there any old books there? Who bought them?
  • What kind of things do you like to do in the living room?
  • What does your father do in the living room?
  • What does your mother do there?
  • Or you?
  • Do you have family get-togethers in the living room?
  • What kind of things do you do there?
  • Are there any items in the living room that have a special story about them?
  • Tell the story.




I hope this can help you talk about your living room with more ease.

Keep practising and you will get there!

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