Global Warming — a Talking Points lesson plan for English reading and speaking

Global Warming is real.

Global Warming is a threat to the planet.

This is a complete and full English lesson plan on global warming. You can use this in your English or ESL class today.

Download the full lesson plan today!

This lesson plan comes with:

  • introduction

  • an article for reading

  • reading comprehension questions

  • an essential vocabulary table

  • discussion questions

  • and many more exercises…


Check it out below!

What is global warming?

How serious are the effects of global warming in the world today?

Do people protest about global warming in your country?

How do these protests take place?

Global Warming

Read Ben’s account below:

I am deeply concerned about global warming.

Despite having a full-time job, I actively engage in various initiatives during my free time to raise awareness about this critical issue.

It’s crucial to emphasize that global warming is not a baseless conspiracy theory; it’s a stark reality.

Global warming is real. It is not some crackpot idea drummed up by the left.

Its impacts are evident in all our lives, the environment, and the well-being of both animal and plant life.

We can see clear evidence of global warming today. Things like rising sea levels, an uptick in natural disasters, and the alarming loss of biodiversity worldwide.

Animals and plants are suffering, and facing extinction, and we must take immediate action.

We have to do something.

One of our primary concerns is the government’s lack of genuine care or action regarding this matter.

Politicians often indulge in empty rhetoric when discussing the environment, making promises solely for political gain. In truth, many of them lack a comprehensive understanding of the gravity of global warming.

The Green Party is the only political entity that genuinely cares, yet their influence is limited.

In truth, the Green Party has very little power.

What the government should be doing is making serious efforts to promote renewable energy.

But it seems that the whole country is dependent — addicted, really — to fossil fuels and, in particular, oil.

Another massive barrier for us is the large corporations.

It’s like the government and large corporations work hand-in-hand.

Partners in crime wreaking havoc upon the planet.

Some of the things that large corporations are doing to the planet are just horrific.

Many companies are very much involved in large-scale pollution of the planet. Then they dare to make claims that they have programs set in place to reduce carbon emissions and so on.

This is just nonsense.

Really, they are doing very little to protect the planet and life on the planet.

One of the most positive things we do is to go to schools and run workshops and discussions on global warming and what we can do to combat it.

Younger people today usually feel very passionate about this and they are often very vocal in their feelings about it.

This is invaluable to our cause.

These people are the future. And if we can convince them that action needs to be taken, then that will really help us combat governments and large companies to do something too.

Some young people are involved in protests. For example, one high school girl recently chained herself to the gates of a government building.

Two others protested outside a large bank and wrote messages on the walls inside the bank with paint.

This gets a lot of attention in the media. The media loves stories like this and they will make a big deal out of it.

So, younger people are a great help to our cause.

However, there is still much work ahead of us.

Our fight against global warming remains a relentless struggle, and we must continue to press for change.

Reading Comprehension Questions

What is the main concern expressed by Ben in the text?

How does Ben contribute to raising awareness about global warming despite having a full-time job?

According to Ben, is global warming a conspiracy theory?

Name one impact of global warming that Ben mentions.

What are some of the clear evidence of global warming mentioned in the text?

What do animals and plants face as a result of global warming, according to Ben?

Why does Ben criticize politicians when it comes to addressing global warming?

Which political party does Ben believe genuinely cares about the environment?

What does Ben think the government should be doing to combat global warming?

Why does Ben refer to large corporations as partners in crime in the context of global warming?

Describe the role of younger people in Ben’s efforts to combat global warming.

Give an example of a protest mentioned in the text that involves young people.

How does the media contribute to the efforts against global warming, according to Ben?

Why does Ben believe that convincing younger people is crucial for their cause?

In your own words, explain why Ben thinks the government and large corporations are not doing enough to protect the planet.

What kind of activities does Ben engage in to educate people about global warming?

According to the text, what are some of the signs of global warming that we can observe today?

How does Ben describe the relationship between the government and large corporations in the context of global warming?

What is one positive aspect of the efforts against global warming mentioned in the text?

In Ben’s opinion, what is the current state of the fight against global warming, and what does he think should be done moving forward?

Essential Vocabulary

Global warming










Green Party






Renewable energy



Fossil fuels








Write down all the words and phrases in your vocabulary notebook. Look in your dictionary and find the meaning of each word. Write the definition next to each word.

Then make up your own sentences using each word or phrase.

For example:


Global warming:

Global warming is the gradual increase in the Earth’s average temperature due to certain gases in the atmosphere, called greenhouse gases, trapping heat from the sun. This can lead to changes in the climate and may cause problems like melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.



The government is a group of people and organizations that make and enforce rules and laws to help run a country or a place. It also works to provide services like education, healthcare, and public safety. The government can be made up of leaders, officials, and elected representatives who make decisions for the benefit of the community or nation.


Then write a sentence of your own that uses the new word or phrase correctly.


We should use less plastic to help fight global warming.


The government just passed a new law about recycling.


Do this with all the vocabulary and, over time, this will help improve all your English skills — reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Discussion Questions

What is the main concern expressed by Ben in the article?

Do you think Ben believes that global warming is a real problem? Why or why not?

According to Ben, what are some of the visible impacts of global warming?

Why does Ben think it’s important to raise awareness about global warming?

What does Ben think about the government’s actions or lack of action regarding global warming?

According to Ben, who is the only political party that genuinely cares about global warming? Why do they have limited influence?

How does Ben feel about large corporations and their impact on the environment?

What positive actions does Ben and his group take to combat global warming?

Why does Ben believe that young people are crucial to their cause?

Can you think of any examples of young people taking action to address environmental issues in your country or community?

How does the media contribute to raising awareness about environmental issues, according to Ben?

In your opinion, what are some effective ways to convince governments and large companies to take action on global warming?

Do you agree with Ben that the fight against global warming is a relentless struggle? Why or why not?

What personal actions can individuals take to combat global warming, according to Ben’s perspective?

How can people contribute to raising awareness about global warming in their communities?

What are some everyday activities or habits that contribute to global warming?

Can you name some natural factors that also contribute to changes in the Earth’s climate?

How do you think global warming might impact your local environment or region?

What are the potential consequences of rising sea levels for coastal communities?

In your opinion, should governments implement stricter regulations to reduce carbon emissions from industries and transportation? Why or why not?

What are some renewable energy sources that can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?

Do you think individuals have a moral responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint? Why or why not?

How can education and awareness campaigns about global warming be improved in schools and communities?

What role can international agreements and collaborations play in addressing global warming? Are they effective?

Can you think of any innovative technologies or solutions that can help combat global warming in the future?

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