Gambling — a Talking Points lesson plan for English reading and speaking

Gambling blog pic

What is gambling? Do you have gambling in your country?
What is a professional gambler? What do they do?
Could you be a professional gambler? Why/why not?

The Gambler

Read Sean’s story below.


I am a professional gambler.

That means I go to casinos, professional card games, private clubs — all kinds of places — and play cards for money.

And I make good money. I make bank.

Not anyone could do what I do. Of course, you need to know how to play cards, but you need to know much more than that.

You need to have a great head for numbers. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s just a game of luck — that is total nonsense.

You also need to read people. And by that, I mean you need to have the skill of looking at someone’s face, in their eyes, observing their body language, and looking for signs.

People give away so much just by a simple expression on their face. Or the way they touch their nose or their mouth.

If I wasn’t making so much money playing cards, I could be a detective and interrogate criminals!

I enter competitions to play cards with other pro gamblers and there is prize money. The top draw can be a lot of money.

At a big event, it could be over a million dollars.

I go to many of these events in a year.

Of course, some casinos don’t allow me to play in their places.

They have facial recognition technology now and could pick me up in a second. But even without that, most of the staff — the croupiers, the security guys — they would all know me.

I don’t need to go to a casino anyway.

I know one pro gambler who went on to write a book. He tells average punters how to play cards and win.

Another guy I know started his own channel on YouTube. He shows people how to play cards.

I’m not interested in doing any of that. I don’t really want to be famous and I don’t want any unwanted attention.

I just want to play cards and make money. I know how to do that and I can do it well.

In a few years, I will be too old to play.

The mind gets slower and you are unable to keep up with the stress of the game.

And also the constant travelling… That can be a real drain.

Some people might laugh at this, but even if you are travelling first class and staying in five-star hotels, it can still put a lot of strain on you.

I don’t want to do this when I am an old man!

I will retire and go and live the rest of my days sitting in the front of my house, staring out at the sea.

But I will still play cards. It’s in my blood.

I’ll go down to the local bar and play cards with the guys there. And still for money, but not the kind of stakes I play now.

This weekend I have a big competition.

The prize money is very high but I feel confident to win.

It’s all about being mentally prepared.

Reading Comprehension Questions

What does Sean do for a living?
Where does he work?
Is he wealthy?
What skills does he say people need to be a professional gambler?
What three things does Sean look for in people when reading them?
What other jobs does Sean think he would be good at?
What kind of prize money can Sean win?
Do all casinos allow Sean inside? Why/why not?
What do the casinos use to find Sean?
Sean talks about two ex-gamblers who now do a different kind of work. What do they do now?
Does Sean want to do this? Why/why not?
Will Sean be a professional gambler all of his life? Why/why not?
Does Sean like travelling? Why/why not?
When Sean is older, where will he live?
How will he spend his days when he is older?
Is he working this weekend?
How does Sean feel about it?

Essential Vocabulary




make bank

a game of luck




body language







prize money

top draw


a million dollars

facial recognition technology

pick me up

in a second



security guys





unwanted attention




a real drain


five-star hotel



the rest of my days


in my blood

the local bar




mentally prepared




Write down all the words and phrases in your vocabulary notebook. Look in your dictionary and find the meaning of each word. Write the definition next to each word.

Then make up your own sentences using each word or phrase.

For example:

Professionalengaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.

“I try to do my job as well as I can — I like to think I am a professional.”

Discussion Questions

What is Sean’s job?
Do you think he likes his work? Why/why not?
Does his job sound interesting? Or cool?
How would you describe his work?
Would you like to do this for a living?
Sean talks about the need for THREE skills to be a pro gambler — what are they?
Why does Sean need a great head for numbers?
He talks about reading people. What does he mean?
Why does he need to do this?
Can you read people? Talk about this in class.
How rich do you think Sean is? Do you think it is acceptable to make so much money by gambling? What is your opinion about this?
Some casinos don’t allow Sean inside. Why not do you think?
What would they do if they caught Sean playing cards in one of their casinos, do you think?
Sean talks about retiring and living a quiet life. Do you think he could be happy to do this when he is older?

Is gambling allowed in your country? Is it legal?
What is your opinion of gambling?
What do you know about it? What kind of games do gamblers play?
Have you ever gambled in your life? Did you win any money?
Have you ever been inside a casino? What was your experience?
Would you like to go to a casino? Why/why not?
What are the positives of being a professional gambler?
What are the negatives?
Can people get addicted to gambling?
If so, what can they do?
Do you think gambling should be illegal? Why/why not?

Role Play

There are two people in this role play.


Sean — from the story above

Andrew — Sean’s friend


The Situation

Sean’s gambling has got out of control. It has taken over his life.
He often loses money now and seldom wins. But he still believes that this is just a bad phase he is going through. He thinks his luck will change and he will start winning again.
Sean’s friend Andrew is meeting Sean. He wants to convince Sean to stop gambling and change his life.
But Sean has no intention of changing.
Each person tries to convince the other they are right.


Get into pairs and take some time to prepare your role play.
When you are ready, show the class.


This is a debate activity.


Divide the class into two equal-size teams. Then select a chairperson — this person should chair the debate and make sure everyone has a fair chance of speaking. They should also control the debate so things don’t get too rowdy or out of control.


The Situation

Your hometown has plans to open a casino. The town has no other gambling facilities so far. The plan is to build the casino in a new hotel complex.
Government officials believe this will encourage a lot of tourists to the town. Plus, it will create a lot of new jobs.


Team A

You think this is a great idea. The town needs a boost to the economy and this could be it. The casino will encourage other businesses too — restaurants could open in the same complex and a bar too.
Taxi companies and security companies will make money from it too.
This will be really great for the town.


Team B

You think this is a terrible idea. The town is not prepared for a casino of this size. It will attract tourists — but not the kind of tourists that the town wants.
And the casino will attract other unsavoury interests such as sex workers and drug dealers.
The town does not want this.
You think this casino will create serious problems.


In your teams, get together and discuss what points you can put forward. Try to think of strong lines of argument that you can say in the debate.
You should also think about what the other team is likely to say so you can have a counter-argument against their points.

When you are ready — begin the debate!


This is a writing exercise.


You are going to write a poem. The title of the poem is:

The Gambler



Write your poem and then read it out in class.

You can download the full lesson plan by clicking the link below!

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