English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide

English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide man pic-min

I want to show you how to use collocations with the word GO.
We can use GO in many collocation forms. And I have outlined below the most common ways to use them.
Let’s dive right in and take a look!


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO




There are many ways of using GO with a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
Take a look below to see the ways you can use the word GO in different phrases.


Go + A Place


The most common expressions are to use GO with a location or place.

Go Home

Go Abroad

Go Overseas


Go + A Place Example Sentences


I can’t wait to go home today!

We’re going abroad for our holidays this year.

I have to go overseas on a business trip next month.


Go + Activity or Past Time


We can use go in conjunction with an activity, a hobby or a pastime that you like to do.

Go Swimming

Go Fishing

Go Running

Go Shopping

Go Online

Go Sailing

Go Jogging


Go + Activity or Past Time Example Sentences


I try to go swimming at least once a week.

If the weather is nice, I go fishing down by the lake on a Sunday.

I go running most mornings. Just a few laps around the park.

I love to go shopping with my friends at the weekend.

I go online as soon as I finish my homework.

When we go down to the sea, we go sailing on my uncle’s boat.

I am putting on so much weight! I think I need to go jogging!


Go + Giving Directions


And of course, we can use GO when giving directions to someone.

Go North/South/East/West

Go Straight Ahead

Go Up/Down


Go + Giving Directions Example Sentences


Just go north for about fifteen minutes, then go right.

Go straight ahead and you can see it.

Go up the stairs. His office is on the left.


Go + Conditions or States


We can use GO plus an adjective to describe the state or condition of a person or thing.

Go Bad

Go Bald

Go Bankrupt

Go Blind

Go Crazy

Go Deaf

Go Insane

Go Mad

Go Missing


Go + Conditions or States Example Sentences


Usually, we use past tenses when saying these phrases though — either past simple or present perfect tenses.


Don’t drink that milk! It’s gone bad!

My father went bald when he was in his thirties.

I am going bald! What can I do?

The company went bankrupt last year.

My grandmother went blind a few years ago. She cannot see anything now.

I asked my boss for a raise and he went crazy!

I went to a rock concert last night. Now, I think I’ve gone deaf!

Some people say that Tesla went insane towards the end of his life.

Don’t tell my mum or she will go mad!

A man went missing last week and has not been seen since.


Go + Adjective or Adverb


We can use GO plus an adjective or adverb to describe how an event or a situation went.


Go Quiet

Go Well

Go Badly

Go Smoothly


Go + Adjective or Adverb Example Sentences


We usually use past tenses in these phrases.

I raised a question in class and the whole room went quiet.

I had an interview yesterday — I think it went well.

He had a date last night, but he said it went badly.

The meeting went smoothly this morning.


Now You Try!


Try to make your own sentences for situations in your own life using the collocations above.

Speak them out loud.

Check out my other great articles on English collocations.

How to crush English collocations today

How to Use English Collocations with the Verb To Have


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + TO + THE OR A




Go + To


Another very common use of GO in collocations is with the word TO.

Here are some examples:

Go To Hospital

Go To Prison

Go To Class

Go To School

Go To War

Go To Bed

Go To University

Go To Sleep

Go To Dinner

Go To America

Go To Hell


With these collocations, we don’t use the definite article the. That’s because we are speaking in a more general way about a place or the idea of a place.


Go + To Example Sentences


I have to go to hospital. I think I’ve got a stomach infection.

If you steal something, you might go to prison.

I can’t meet you now. I have to go to class.

I go to school every morning at 8:30.

A country has threatened to go to war with its neighbour.

I go to bed quite early, about 9pm most nights.

I want to go to university when I leave high school.

I go to sleep very late — usually after midnight.

Let’s go to dinner this week!

I would love to go to America!

I hate you! Go to hell!


Go + To The


We can also use GO with the words TO THE. We use this collocation to talk about a specific place.


Go To The Park

Go To The Pub

Go To The Beach

Go To The Zoo

Go To The Doctors

Go To The Bank

Go To The Supermarket


Go + To The Example Sentences


I like to go to the park in the evening.

We should go to the pub and have a drink.

It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go to the beach.

Let’s go to the zoo. We haven’t been in a long time.

I don’t feel well… I might have to go to the doctor.

I better go to the bank and get some cash.

We need to buy some more food. Let’s go to the supermarket.


Go + To A


We use GO + TO A when talking about a non-specific place.


Go To A Party

Go To A Concert

Go To A Meeting

Go To A Restaurant


Go + To A Example Sentences


We might use past tense (I went to…), present continuous future tense (I’m going to…) when using these collocations.


I went to a party last weekend. It was really fun!

We’re going to a concert tonight. It should be great.

I’m sorry, I can’t talk now — I’m going to a meeting.

We went to a restaurant last night. Italian. It was delicious!


Now You Try!


Try to make your own sentences about your own life using the collocations above.

Speak them out loud!


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + ON




There are two ways to use GO with ON.

We can say GO ON or GO ON A.


Go + On


These are some collocations with GO ON.


Go On Holiday

Go On Foot


Go + On Example Sentences


We like to go on holiday at least once a year. Usually, we go to a place like Spain or France.

I usually go on foot to school every morning.


Go + On + A/An


And these are some common collocations using GO ON A


Go On A Hike

Go On A Safari

Go On An Adventure

Go On A Cruise

Go On A Trip

Go On A Date

Go On A Picnic


Go + On + A/An Example Sentences


When using these collocations, we usually use past or future tenses.


I’m going on a hike this weekend. I can’t wait!

We went to Africa and went on a safari. We saw so many animals.

I’m going on an adventure! I want to see the world!

We went on a cruise around The Scandinavian countries. It was so beautiful!

I’m going on a trip this Friday with my classmates.

I went on a date last week with this boy I met. But it was a disaster!

We’re all going on a picnic this weekend — would you like to come?


Now You Try!


Try to make your own sentences about your life using the collocations above.

Write them down, then say them out loud.


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + FOR




We use GO plus FOR plus a noun to talk about something we would like to do. Usually, an activity or recreational thing.

Here are a few examples


Go For A Jog

Go For A Drink

Go For A Coffee

Go For A Rest

Go For A Ride

Go For A Swim

Go For A Run


GO + FOR Example Sentences


And this is how we can use them. Note that we can use these collocations in present, past and future tenses.


I like to go for a jog in the morning.

I’m going for a drink tonight. Want to join me?

Let’s go for a coffee this afternoon.

I’m so tired. I’m going for a rest for a while.

I bought a new car. Let’s go for a ride.

I’m going for a swim this weekend at the beach.

I went for a run this morning. I feel great!


Now You Try!


Use all the collocation forms above and try to make sentences about your own life.

Speak out loud!


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + UP




We can use GO plus UP when talking about directions.

Here are some examples.


Go Up The Hill

Go Up The Road

Go Up The Mountain


GO + UP Example Sentences


I like to go up the hill near my house for exercise in the morning.

Mum, I’m just going up the road to see my friends.

We went up the mountain in Nepal. It was amazing!


Now You Try!


Make your own sentences — you know what to do…


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + OUT + OF




We use GO plus OUT plus OF to talk about something that has transpired or stopped existing.

Two common examples are:


Go Out Of Business

Go Out Of Fashion


GO + OUT + OF Example Sentences


We often use present perfect or past tense when using these collocations.


His company has closed down. It went out of business.

Those kinds of trousers are not popular anymore. They have gone out of fashion.


Now You Try!


Make your own sentences. Speak out loud!


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + THROUGH




And we use GO plus THROUGH when talking about directions too.


Go Through The Woods

Go Through The Park

Go Through The Door


GO + THROUGH Example Sentences


I go through the woods sometimes, when I’m walking my dog.

I like to go through the park in the evening.

Go through the door and you can see his office on the right.


Now You Try!


Use the collocations above to make your own sentences about your life.


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide GO + DOWN




We also use GO plus DOWN to talk about directions of where we are going.


Go Down Town

Go Down The Road

Go Down The Pub


GO + DOWN Example Sentences


Let’s go downtown this Saturday. I need to buy some new shoes.

I’m just going down the road to buy some milk.

I’m going down the pub this Friday to meet my friends.


Now You Try!


Make your own sentences! Speak out loud!


English Collocations with GO — the Ultimate Guide Unique Collocations with GO


Unique Collocations with GO


There are some collocations with GO that are unique.

Let’s take a look at some examples and what they mean.


Let’s Go

This means let’s leave right now.

It’s five o’clock — let’s go!


Go Check

This means to check something that you are working on or to confirm something.

I think I left the lights on. Can you check?


Go Figure

The meaning here is, Can you believe it? Sometimes used sarcastically to express disbelief.

I missed the last bus because I was working so late. Go figure!


Go Look/See

We use this to ask someone to look or see at something.

I think I left my bag in the car. Can you go and look?


Go United

This phrase is used to cheer your football team — or any other sports team.

Go United!


Go Green

This phrase is used to talk about someone’s desire to recycle plastics.

We are trying to go green this year…


Whose Go Is It?

We use this when playing a game. You want to know whose turn it is to play.

Whose go is it? I think it’s John’s go.


Go Get ‘Em!

We can use this phrase to encourage someone to do their best in a job interview.

Good luck on Monday… Go get ’em!


Go To Hell

This phrase is used to tell someone to go away. It is impolite!

I told him to go to hell!




As with all collocations, you need to use them in your daily life.
Make your own collocations that are about you and your own life. Then start using them as often as you can.
Keep practising and you will be able to use GO collocations in no time

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